Cooking by Sous Vide

Over the last couple of years, I have become very enamoured with cooking by sous vide.  As a cooking technique, it is just starting to catch on in home kitchens and rightfully so.  I am a strong proponent of technique over gadgets, but this is one device that transcends Gatgetdome and goes straight to essential cooking apparatus.

Sous vide cooking was pioneered in the 1970’s in San Francisco.  It is a fairly simple concept – vacuum pack the item being cooked in a waterproof bag and place it in a container of water that is set to the temperature that the finished product is desired to be.  The Immersion Cooker circulates the water and maintains a constant temperature to provide perfect results every time.  There is a particularly good chance that at some point you have had food done by sous vide, they are fairly common in restaurant kitchens around the world.

When cooking a meat such as steak, you select the temperature you want the meat to finish at, and then leave it be.  I vacuum pack the steak (usually after a trip thru the smoker) with a pat of butter and a bit of thyme and cook it at 128.5 degrees for 1-2 hours.  The result is a perfectly rare / medium rare steak from edge to edge, and after a quick sear on the grill or cast iron skillet to it is a thing of perfection.

The other great advantage of sous vide is your window for the meat being perfectly done is up to an hour or more… not 2-3 min before it is past the point desired.  It takes much of the stress out of cooking meats when entertaining, the meat will be ready for 1-2 min a side on the grill, with no ‘rest’ required when the rest of the meal is done.  It works excellent for proteins, as well as eggs, custard, cheesecake… anything where a precise control of temperature and gentle cooking will be of benefit.

A vacuum bagger is a nice accompaniment, but perfectly adequate results can be achieved with Zip Lock Freezer bags in most cases.  The immersion circulator work in any pot or container, I have a cooler bucket that I use for smaller cooks, and a regular travel cooler for bigger cooks.  I cannot impress upon you my intrepid reader on how much I believe in this cooking technique.  I have turned a few friends on to it as well, and they are equally enthralled.

There are now several different brands on the market, I prefer the Anova brand, particularly the wifi model which is a bit higher power than its smaller sibling.  They seem to go on sale with some regularity, and the discounts can be rather good.  I will put a link below for the version that has replaced the model I have.

Anova Precision Cooker

Here are a few pictures of some of the results I have achieved with the sous vide.

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Smoked Strip Loin Steak with fresh grated horesradish
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Smoked and sous vide Rib Roast, finished under the broiler
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Smoked Strip Loin Steak, sous vide with pan sear finish
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Smoked Pork Chop with a tzatziki apple sauce
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The rig itself, with dinner for two underway. Will do a better photo shortly

I am still alive…

Greetings to my intrepid reader!

I hope that this missive finds everyone well and surviving the challenges that 2020 has brought with it.  As I type this, we are just entering into Christmas season for 2020, and the second wave of Covid 19.  It is a tough time for everyone, and it looks like it will be for a bit yet.

In my absence from the site here, I have been doing a lot of cooking, making messes and coming up with some recipes that I am hoping to get up here soon.

I have expanded on my ‘low and slow’ cooking with a few new things.  I have gotten into sous vide cooking, and my Chief Taste Tester treated me to a Primo XL ceramic grill.  This has afforded me the opportunity to start to work with smoking meats and then sous vide cooking them which has taken my meat game to a whole new level.

I continue to work in film and television, and with Covid I have been working the last few months from home.  I am still working on Supergirl, and this year we are working on the final season.  It has been an exceptionally busy and tiring grind, but we should have a break coming up at Christmas where I hope to catch my breath.

Competing for my time with everything else are two new projects,  both living in the garage at the moment.  We are doing a full restoration on a 1990 Chev travel van, and it’s little fiberglass friend a 1977 Triple E Surf-Side travel trailer.  Both need pretty much full functional restorations, so that has been absorbing a fair amount of time.  I will be detailing some of these projects on the site as we go along as well.

But I am going to make a concerted effort to work on this site a bit more regularly (sound like deja vu all over again?)  No major changes planned, just some more recipes and some information on cooking with a Sous Vide immersion cooker.

Stay safe, be well and I hope everyone can enjoy what is promising to be a quiet and very different Christmas 2020.