Yesterday evening we were treated to an awesome dinner at the home of friends of ours. Phil and Kristina are awesome people, and both are very good cooks. They own a good sized lot (with an amazing view), which is beautifully gardened with both ornamentals, and an impressive selection of produce that makes its way into some amazing dishes.
Phil is very well versed with his Bradley Smoker, as well as the very nice grill on their deck. Over the last while, we have traded some ‘care packages’ back and forth, and I am quick to say that we have gotten the better end of the deal thus far – but I will make it up, rest assured!
Dinner was with another couple and 3 of their kids, and the mix of people was really fun and the evening was all around a great time. The food was amazing – Phil had done a batch of pulled pork in the smoker, and he nailed it. I have had a lot of pulled pork in my travels down south, and this rivaled anything I have had in its clean simplicity, flavour, texture – it was perfect. You just can’t beat 16 hours of ‘low and slow’ for perfect shreds of pork goodness. Paired with a really nice homemade sauce and some slaw on grilled toasted buns, they were 10 outta 10.
Kris had done a batch of slow cooker baked beans, and they were an equal match to the pulled pork. Thick sauce and tender beans with a great toothiness, sweet and spicy, with a really full rounded flavour. I could eat that by the bucket load, but I think that Kathy would probably have to object eventually as a matter of survival. Phil and Kris love their food really spicy, and for the crowd she backed the spice off from her normal level of heat, and it was perfect for us. They had that really nice zingy heat that complimented the other flavours without taking over the world. Again, 10 outta 10!
There was a couple of types of grilled chicken, one with a nice lemon herb marinade, flavourful but suitable (mild) for the younger folks, and then an adult version with a seasoning rub they make that is based in a variety of hot peppers and herbs. It had a gorgeous heat that brought a ton of flavour to the party, and an attitude that kicked your taste buds in the ass to make sure they were paying attention. Paired with bit of fresh pineapple grilled up to balance the heat – Very, very nice…
There was a phenomenal potato salad, and then what by all accounts was a very good green salad with a couple of different homemade vinaigrettes. Unfortunately my plate seemed to keep running out of room before I got to the green salad. What can I say – if something’s gotta give, it will be green. After all greens are really meant to be my foods food.
Great food, great wine and awesome company – we will remember last night for a long time, and we really look forward to reciprocating for them as our busy schedules allow. Thanks guys, and we look forward to doing it again soon!