Category Archives: Daily Life

All the news that is fit to print

And I’m back…

Well the last month and a half hasn’t followed the script in the slightest.  I found myself out of commission with an illness for a month, and then as soon as i was back in the saddle my computer decided that it was going to get sick too.

Combine this with it being my busiest time of the year at work, I had to give a bit of a break to the site, and to cooking in general.   However I am back in good health, my computer is rebuilt, work is still busy, but the kitchen is feeling my presence again.

Thanksgiving was a low key event this year, I was still under the weather and it was just the two of us.   Dinner was a bit of a change, with just two of us we decided not to do a turkey this year.  I am not a turkey fan, but the family likes it and that is good enough for me.  But this year with it just being the two of us, I did something a bit different.  Kathy loves duck, me not so much.  I love roast beef, her not so much.   So, the best compromise was to just do both.  Add some homemade spaetzle, roasted vegetable and fresh grated horseradish and dinner was served.  We thoroughly enjoyed our dinner, and while we missed the kids, I didn’t miss the turkey one little bit.

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I have added a new recipe to the site, Grandma Clara’s Waffles.  They make a great change up from pancakes and omelette’s,  light and flavourful… a great breakfast option.

I will be finishing another recipe for chocolate covered bacon, which is mind numbingly good regardless of how it sounds on paper!  That will be up on the site in the next week or so.

Until next time,


Dear Food Network…

Rant Mode ON

Dear Food Network (Canada)

I was surfing on the net the other day, and ended up stumbling on the Emeril Lagasse channel on YouTube.  I took some time and watched a few videos, one of which was an old episode of Emeril Live.

It really took me back to a day when there was quality programming for foodies on Food Network.  Emeril Live and Good Eats were two flagship shows – Tyler’s Ultimate too, there were so many good and entertaining shows.  I learned so much from those shows, both in technique and foods.  And they entertained while they taught, I enjoyed watching the shows, and took away lessons that I could use in my own kitchen.

However, you have given yourself over to the worst of the (barely) food themed… garbage… and are filling the timeslots with it.  I enjoy the ‘food on the road’ shows, You Got to Eat Here, Triple D and the like well enough, but please, enough already with the game shows, Chopped, Cutthroat Kitchen (sorry Alton) and please, what possible excuse could there be for Chef in My Ear?!?

As a food lover, and someone looking to learn about food in all it’s regional forms, your losing me as a viewer.  You still have some good programming, The Pioneer Woman, Southern at Heart are two, but they seldom seem to run in primetime, the focus just keeps seeming to shift to what is basically culinary Pablum.

Can we get back to cooking and food please, and get away from gameshow nonsense that people watch while eating crappy order in pizza – Please??

Rant Mode OFF


A Perfect Sunday

Some Lilies from our garden – a beautiful reminder of a summer slipping away from us day by day

Yesterday we had a visit from our friends Rick and Laurie, and their awesome kids Kyle and Caitlee.  They have recently moved to our home town from the coast, and it is great to have them here.

At long last,  we finally found some time to get together and have brunch here around our kitchen table.  They have been busy settling into their new home, and that all takes time so between that and our busy schedules, this was our first real chance to get together and have a visit.

Brunch was the usual fare, Pop’s Pancakes, sausage, bacon, scrambled eggs, fruit and a few toppings were the main course.  A few drinks, both adult and something for the kids topped it off.  But hands down, the best part was the company.  The kids are great, Caitlee ran the feet off of Eve and Harley, a bit of Call of Duty on the PS3 let Kyle show me exactly how bad… no, pathetic I am at video games.  It was really nice visit just hanging for the afternoon with R&L, and catching up on life.

One of the things I love most about food in general and cooking with or for friends,  is the social aspect that goes along with it.  Going out for brunch or dinner is great, but it is on a schedule with people all around and severs bustling to and fro.  Cooking at home is so much more relaxed and social, brunch can go 5-6 hours without a server coming to ask if you are EVER going to leave, and you can just sit back, relax and enjoy.  It doesn’t have to be grandiose, the point is the people at the table, the food is just the excuse to get together.

We had a great relaxed visit, and there is no better way to spend a day in my books.  Taking a few hours from our hectic schedules to just stop and ‘smell the roses’ is something that we all need to do more often.  Time passes, and before we know it we have lost touch with some of those who mean the most.  Take a few min, put on a pot of coffee and call some friends over for a social afternoon.  It is time that will pay you back with memories to keep dear.

Thanks to Rick and Laurie and the kids for a wonderful and memorable afternoon!  We look forward to seeing you guys again soon!

Best Budz!
Best Budz!
One pooched puppy – dreaming of his next time with his new playmate

Smoke’in Burgers

This monster was constructed with one of my Savoury Italian Burger patties
This monster was constructed with one of my Savoury Italian Burger patties

Well, today was a day of hamburger making.  I decided that it was a good day to knock out my recipe for Savory Italian Burgers, and to spark up the smoker and put up a few dozen smoked burger patties in the freezer.

This is why Food Stylists exist – to make food look as good as it tastes. Smoked burger patties don’t look like much, but they are tasty

Fall has arrived it seems, quite suddenly at that, and being in the interior of BC my smoking season will come to an end before too much longer.  As a result, I have been running a bunch of meat thru the smoker the last little while and putting the product in the freezer so that thru the winter we can still get a smoky taste of summer.

At the end of the day, I have ended up with 4 dozen smoked burger patties, a dozen smoked Italian Sausage and a hell of a messy smoker.   Over the winter, I will do up another couple of batches of the burger, but it will go to towards pan grilled burgers, or using the meat in pasta sauce or other hearty winter eats.

I hope everyone is having a great Labour Day long weekend!


The future, coming to you from the past

Now, I grew up in a very small town about 300 miles north of Vancouver BC.  We had local radio, but it was pretty mainstream for the day, and really didn’t do much to ignite much in the way of imagination.  However, late at night, when the conditions were right, the signal would skip all the way to me and I could listen to the CKNW from Vancouver BC.

When it did come in, quite often what would be on late at night was Jack Cullen’s Owl Prowl.  Jack had an extensive record collection, including an amazing collection of Big Band music (which I still love to this day), and so many of the great radio play series like The Shadow, Dragnet, Green Hornet… the list goes on and on.  I fell in love with these stories, they were tales from a different time, and the stories told in a way that formed in your mind the images that we are now spoon fed by tv and movies.  It is a totally different experience that I hope you will take a few minutes to experience.

One of the things I really enjoy about the internet, is the fact that so many of these great old radio shows are now available online.  It doesn’t take much searching to find an app or website that allows you to access these great tales that are now in the public domain, the copyrights having run their course over the years.

In my exploring, I came across a story from a sci-fi series call X-Minus One.  The story is called “A Logic Named Joe“.  The original tale dates back to March 1946, when it was originally written as a story on paper.  In 1955, it was ‘transcribed for radio’ and presented on X-Minus One.

Now, what is amazing and memorizing to me about this story, remembering it was written within a few short months of the end of WWII, is the amazingly accurate portrayal of where technology in the next 70 years would go.  I am not going to spoil the story, but if you follow the links below, you can start on the three YouTube episodes that comprise this story.

I encourage you to pull up to the kitchen table with a cup of joe, dim the lights, turn off the Idiot Box and take a while to listen to what is an entertaining and indeed amazing story especially when viewed from the future it predicted.



Sunset in the ‘loops

Hey all!  Last night, we had a spectacular sunset here.  here are a few pictures we got from our deck.  As always, pictures of sunsets never show the depth that you see with the naked eye, but it’s still pretty none the less.

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The Sunday Post for August 23rd

Greetings there my intrepid readers (both of you!)

In an effort to redeem myself for my slacking on the site the last few weeks, I have added a couple of recipes and a post or three for your reading pleasure.

On the recipe side, Cornbread Muffins are now up, as are Green Eggs and Ham.  I still have a list of other recipes to do up, and will get on them as I can.  If you have a recipe that is of your own creation and wish to share it, let me know and I am happy post it up and credit to you!

On the posts side, I have reviewed our visit to The Burning Barrel Cookhouse, a Roadside Picnic, Ribfest and some killer Lemon Meringue pies from the Bohemian Bakery found only at the Kamloops Farmers Market.

And then there is a short story about true puppy love

Thanks to all who come visit, I hope you will come back again sometime soon!


Romantic Roadside Picnic Dinner

Last night Kathy had a Miche order to deliver to some great folks in Vernon. She had to work, so it was to be an evening run. Dinner would be something along the way.

Now, the road between Kamloops and Vernon is a beautiful drive, but there really isn’t much as far as dinner choices along the way. There are a couple of small joints, not outside of consideration, but I decided I wanted to do something a bit different.

Along the route is pretty little body of water, a place called Monte Lake. There are a few roadside pull outs along the lake, and being it was a gorgeous day, it struck me that it would be a neat spot to stop for dinner.  And with that thought, a plan began to take shape. In the morning I had made some cornbread muffins to test the recipe for the site, so they would become part of the meal. I just needed something suitable for a roadside dinner entre on a warm summer’s night.

After thinking about it a bit, I settled upon the Shrimp Cocktail Entre as it was a one plate meal, could be prep’d ahead, assembled easily roadside, and fit in the picnic backpack without issue. Then a couple of Ginger Spice cookies from a small vendor at the Farmers Market for desert, a bottle of chilled wine (a de-alcoholized Shiraz Rose – which was quite nice actually), and some browned butter spread for the muffins and we were good to go.

When Kathy got home from work, she could smell the garlic, onions and bacon, but when she came into the kitchen there was nothing to be seen. Before she could ask any questions, I got her in the car and on the road for Vernon. She had no idea that I had squirrelled away the picnic dinner and folding chairs in the trunk of the car.

As we were passing along Monte Lake, I pulled off into one of the pull outs. Kathy looked at me and asked why we were stopping, ‘was it for a roadside pee break?’ I responded that no, it was dinner time. She got a quizzical smile on her face, as she started to realize that I was up to something. She followed me to the back of the car, and when I reached in and handed her a folding chair, she beamed at me with a huge smile, and just said “Really?!?!”.

I proceeded to turn the hood of my car into a picnic kitchen. I unpacked the containers with the food, dressed the salad greens, plated them and topped with the bacon and prawns. I spread a bit of butter on some cornbread muffins and poured the wuss-wine. We sat our chairs at the top of the bank above the lake, basking in the sunlight glittering of the water, the car shielding us from the roadway behind. It was silly, romantic and one of the most special dinners we have had in recent memory. The smile on Kathy’s face made all the work and scheming worthwhile, the sun glowing off of her face as she enjoyed my little surprise was really cool.

After a really fun and relaxing dinner, it was time to pack up the picnic and get back on the road. We shared the cookie dessert as we drove, and just enjoyed the glow from our romantic roadside dinner.

I share this just to share how a bit of creativity and planning can result in a really special experience. If you don’t have a picnic basket/bag/kit, it really is worth getting one or making up one for yourself. It lets you take your dining experiences to new and unique locations, where special memories can be made.

Here are a few tips for things to add on to your picnic supplies list:

  • Heavy Duty paper towels, one or two dry for each person, and one or two wet in a zip lock
  • Disposable gloves to wear while putting your food together
  • A bag for garbage
  • A bag or two for dirty dishes
  • Salt and Pepper just in case you didn’t nail the seasoning during cooking

20150823_120143I really encourage you to try out your own romantic picnic for two sometime. It can be a fun and memorable experience. Think of a special place you both would like, then put on your sneeky hat and pull off a special surprise. I find the planning and scheming the surprise to be a lot of fun for me, and the reward of the look on Kathy’s face is really cool.


Happy Picnic’ing!!

Golden Days of Summer

I awoke this morning a bit before the sun crested up over Strawberry Hills.  Flipped on the tv and waited for the sun to join me to start the new day.

When the sun peaked over the mountain, the light that cascaded into the living room was an a beautiful warm golden glow.  A surreal warm golden glow…

It has arrived – currently there are a frighteningly large number of forest fires burning in British Columbia, as there are in many of the western provinces and states.  The smoke from those fires is now spreading across the province, and is so thick that it is filtering the sun.  Vancouver got hit with the smoke yesterday, today it has made it here.

The smoke is heavy enough to cause respiratory difficulties for those who have underlying issues, and is just not conducive to  outside activities.  Hopefully the prevailing winds will shift to blow the smoke away before too long, but so strong as to fan the flames.

As I look at the smoke from the safety of my home, my thoughts go to the young men and women on the ground, and the flight crews who are working thru this smoke to protect homes and businesses from these major wildfires.  May you all get home to your loved ones safe and sound, thank you for your service to all of us.

All the news that’s fit to print

Welcome to the news section of the blog.  This is where we will post tidbits about stuff happening in our community.

Stay tuned for whatever happens that we think might interest you.